

My precious things

My precious thing is my photo books. I like looking pictures. Because, I can remember about childhood, school life, trip and so on. Of cause, I like taking pictures.
I have 4 dogs, so I take a picture them. Sometimes, my dogs put on pretty clothes. It is very good. So, I snap it. They are very cute. I often carry digital camera when I walk with my dog I take it. Now I am making only dog’s album. It is so good. And, I show it for dog lover. It is very fun!!!
When I was kid, my grand father often went to abroad. He showed me it. I was interested in abroad. And, I wanted to go to abroad someday. I wanted to become to speak English!!! I can know another country and any place to see pictures. It is very good point.
When I went to Montana, I took many pictures. I had a very good time there. It is good memory. Now, I often I look that picture. I want to go Montana again and I want to see my host family. I will never forget.
I will go to Minnesota this summer vacation, I will carry Japanese picture to Minnesota to introduce my host family. I want them to know about Japanese food, house and so on. And, I will take many picture, I want my family and my friends to show picture. I have to study about Minnesota. I am looking forward to going to Minnesota of America. I want to collect many abroad pictures. So, I want to trip to any where.
I think that Picture and camera is very important. We can keep memory to see picture. If I were grown-up, I can show my kid my childhood pictures. It is very good.
I will treasure my picture books.

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