

This is my parakeets. Can you notice these parakeets are baby?

Their mother run away from cage, her children was left by her. Their father stay in cage, but he doest’t feed them. If they keep on staying there, they will starve to death. My father decided to feed them by human hands. At first, they can’t eat feed. They gradually get used to us, they can eat enough. This picture is situation when they eat feed.

How do you think them? They are very cute. I have to name their, but they become adult. We can’t realize them. I hope that They will grown-up well.

1 件のコメント:

Tran Thi My さんのコメント...

So cute^-^Yumi!
Did you and your family take care of them from they were still eggs? I want to keep one pet, dog or cat but we are not permitted to keep any pets in the dorm^-`What a pity^-^